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Finished projects


TVLC-The VET Learning Community

The VET Learning Community is a project in which mainstream and special VET providers throughout Europe work together to improve their quality of services.

Below you will find a short summary of the project's background information and goals:

Pilt kohtumisest

The key factors for quality in VET can been seen from 2 different perspectives: the visible factors which include the quality system and the quality behaviour of staff, and the non-visible factors: the quality awareness of staff and the quality culture of the VET provider. In many initiatives the development of high quality work has been focused on the visible factors. Recent research learned that the non-visible factors (= how we really think about and act on quality) might have a bigger impact on the quality of the delivered VET services.

Therefore the project will emphasis both on visible and on non-visible factors for the development of high quality work through:

systematic comparing exchanging learning from day-to-day practices

TVLC project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Project period December 2016-May 2019

For the most recent information please visit the project's website:

  • quality culture topics derived from a Quality Culture assessment.

For the improvement of the overall quality and the quality culture we will systematically exchange, compare and learn on

quality topics derived from the EQAVET framework

Aims and objectives

The project has 2 objectives:

Improving the overall quality performance and quality culture of mainstream and special VET providers by systematic benchmarking and bench learning. Contributing to inclusive education by creating sustainable partnerships between mainstream and special VET providers.

As results of the project we will have:

A method on:benchmarking with various tools for transferring qualitative information into quantitative information learning and exchanging experiences based on the benchmark information (charts and graphics) A curriculum of specific training modules related to quality cultural aspects and to the EQAVET building blocks





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SEC4VET– Assessing and promoting the Social-Emotional Competence of young people with cognitive impairments in Vocational Education and Training

 The SEC4VET project brings together vocational training and rehabilitation institutions for people with special needs from six European countries - Germany, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Estonia and Belgium - and the University of Bamberg from Germany to jointly develop tools for assessing and promoting socio-emotional skills in vocational training.

The project aims to raise general awareness and pay more attention to socio-emotional skills in the process of vocational rehabilitation, thereby contributing to the empowerment and involvement of the target group.

As a result of the project, assessment and learning tools will be developed to enable teachers and other professionals, who work with young people with cognitive disabilities, to be able to recognize and develop the skills they need in the context of employment and independent living.

The project will develop 4 tools:

• A diagnostic tool for measuring socio-emotional skills, which ensures an individual approach to future skill development

• Handbook on the importance of socio-emotional skills

• An understanding of how to promote socio-emotional skills

• Training modules for VET staff and other professionals

The tools developed as a result of the SEC4VET project will be published and made freely accessible to all.


The SEC4VET project will end with an international symposium in Josefsheim Bigge, Germany in June 2020.

Project period September 2017-August 2020

Find out more

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LIVING E-motions - Emotional education through visual storyliving for people with mental health challenges

Four European countries are behind this idea – Estonia, Spain, Slovenia and Scotland from the UK. During this 2 year Erasmus+ programme (Dec 2018 – Nov 2020) a complete curriculum and an innovative methodology based on visual storyliving are going to be created to help people living with mental health issues to recognize and manage their feelings. LIVING E-MOTIONS is a training course particularly designed to meet the emotional learning needs of people living with mental health challenges. The participants will have the opportunity to share their stories with others in their home country and all over Europe through the LIVING E-MOTIONS e-learning platform. 

Projektimeeskond istub laua taga ja arutab tegevusplaani

The methodology is based on VISUAL STORYLIVING, meaning that the learners will share their reflections on their own emotions and recovery experiences on camera; opening their story to the rest of the world. They are the protagonists and heroes of their own story. LIVING E-MOTIONS will increase social and digital competencies as well as increasing wellbeing and improving quality of life.

As a result of the LIVING E-MOTIONS project a training programme on emotional education using visual storyliving is developed and piloted. The aim is to improve the participants’ social and communication skills, wellbeing and quality of life. The outcomes of the training programme have been introduced to different mental health organizations and live events have been held, in which the participants share their recovery stories. Also the LIVING E-MOTIONS e-platform has been created to raise awareness in the general society to see recovering from mental health problems as more positive and inspiring perspective and to explain the myths surrounding mental health issues. 


  • Development of a training curriculum on emotional education using visual storyliving. It will be tested during 8 months in two pilot experiences. 
  • Development of key competences of people with mental health challenges to improve their quality of life.
  • Creation and maintaining of the Living e-motions e-learning platform.
  • Creation of a portfolio including the main stories of recovery detected during the pilot courses.
  • Filming short videos where the participants will explain about their emotions and their recovery story.
  • Organization of live events where the participants tell everybody about their recovery story.
  • Creation of on-line blogs to train digital as well as literacy and narrative skills.
  • Implementation of a dissemination campaign to open a window to the general society to a reality without filters, just the truth from a positive and inspiring perspective

Project period Dec 2018 – Nov 2020

Find out more

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